Monday, July 25, 2011

Dear Diary,I Found Him

       As Alyssa sits at the computer flipping through her friends Facebook pages, she comes across her boyfriend’s profile. She reads about herself on his status and smiles as she dozes off in thought of how lucky she is. She starts to think about her past; how lonely and hopeless she thought it to be. She dug through her closet  and found her diary from years ago. As she turned page by page, memories began to flood her mind. “No boy likes me, they all think I’m weird” It says. She was afraid of being alone forever. She came across a diary entry dated January 5th, 2006, she was 15. It read,
      “Dear Diary, I had that dream again last night. I met him once again. This time we were at the park. I still don’t know his name, but his personality never changes. He’s sweet and kind, he makes me smile without even trying” Alyssa stops reading. She closes her eyes and smiles as she thinks of her boyfriend. She grasps the necklace he gave her and holds it close to her heart. She takes a deep breath and opens her eyes. As she continues to read, she fills in the blanks. “We held hands and he looked into my eyes with such great love”-just like him. “He calls me beautiful and says it with meaning you can feel” -just like him. “He tells all his friends about me like I’m the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him” -just like him. “Diary, will I ever find the man of my dreams? Will I ever become outgoing enough to even talk to a boy? P.S. I’ll let you know if I do. Sincerely,  Alyssa”
      As she fiddles with her necklace, she glances at her cell phone. She quickly grabs it and nervously dials his number. Although she knows him inside and out, her heart beats rapidly for she knows she is calling the man of her dreams. Her boyfriend picks up and says hello. She pauses; Then with great love and meaning you can feel, she whispers “I love you”. A hour and a half later, she hangs up the phone with a huge smile. She then picks up a pen, opens her diary to a fresh page, and begins to write a new story. “Dear Diary, I found him.”

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